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Lodge events calendar
Bro. Nicolas El Joukhadar after being raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason
Bro. Dan Lawrence after being passed to the Second Degree.
Installation of Kilwinning Lodge's new Worshipful Master and Officers on April 20, 2018.
There was an impressive turnout on our visit to Westgate Lodge in Streetsville on the occasion of their DDGM visit, with twelve of our members present. Kilwinning was almost able to take the travelling Gavel, but were outdone by Unity Lodge who brought thirteen bodies.
On the occasion of Bro. Arya’s Raising, we were fortunate to host the Master and members of New Dominion Lodge from Kitchener. Some of them also helped with the Degree. We hope to return the visit in April. It was also delightful to have our Brother Matt Shelton from Pontiac 21, Michigan. Matt is also a member of our Lodge.
Visit to Pontiac Lodge 21, Pontiac, Michigan USA
Annual Summer BBQ hosted by W. Bro. Rob Lund